Hi! My name is Dima.
I'm a software engineer and golang developer.
Big fan of difficult challenges, problem-solving and competitive programming. Passionate about good products and cool software.
Currently in Georgia.
Below are my favorite open-source projects that I've worked on:
- soultions - automated storage for my solutions of codeforces and leetcode problems with some simple stats. Automatization is made with python and most of solutions are written in go.
- go chat - desktop TUI TCP-chat, implemented using gRPC and goroutines.
- visual sorting - demo in-broswer visualizations of the most popular sorting algorithms written in vanilla JS.
- lightdm webkit2 minimal theme - minimalistic theme for lightdm display manager with a webkit2 greeter written with vanilla JS.
- dotfiles - repository with configs, dotfiles, scripts and my own builds of dwm and dwmblocks of my current archlinux set up.
- checkers online - client-server checkers written in C with SDL2.0 for GUI.
- forthnight - forthnight is a forth dialect and interpretator written with nasm.
- views counter - simple app to generate badge with the number of views for your website/github repo written in go with SQLite.
- sdl func visualizer - small tool to build any math curve defined by a function, written in C with SDL2.0 for GUI.
- dwmblocks-async - contributed to this async implementation of dwm status monitor. I also have my own fork of this project with extended functionality.
- python leetcode - contributed to this python leetcode graphql api client.